Month: February 2019

The Benefits of Cloud-hosted Log Management

Your application isn’t working the way it should. The first thing you’ll want to see in such an instance is the whole bunch of application logs. The two worst issues that can face a developer at such a time are to either lack the logs or to lack a means by which they can access the logs quickly. The problem with localized logging is that it just happens on your own workstation. You may want to, from time to time, access logs from a workstation other than your own or server. That’s where a cloud-hosted log management solution comes in.

The Problems With Local Logs

Usually, your applications are saved on disk drives where you developed them. The problem is that you will often have an application that runs on a lot more than one machine. Usually, it runs on many different servers, and each of those servers will do its own logging. You will find some common issues with such logs:

-These logs are harder to access because they stretch across many different servers and sometimes many different applications, some of which are still in production

-It can be hard to find the correlation between different log statements when you want to find the ones that relate to the particular transaction you are dealing with

-It might be hard for you to search through the logs to find the data which you are looking for

-The logs may not be stored on your disk permanently but may be there for a limited time

-If you want to archive the logs for the long term, you will have to find a way to get them from the server

A cloud-hosted log management solution should be able to solve all of these problems while offering many more features. There are several benefits to working with a cloud logging service.

The Benefits of Cloud Logging

1. Searching Logs Becomes Easier
If you’ve ever tried to search log data, then you know how difficult it can get. Log data is unstructured, and plenty of useful metadata is not included in the log data. When you contract the services of a cloud logging service you get plenty of additional information in the log files, including such things as the logging level, web request details, thread hash, transaction ID, application logging, application name, environment, server name and so on. It is easy to search through all of these fields, which makes it even easier to find the kind of information you are seeking.

2. Logs Become Structured
This is a direct cause of being able to search the logs easier. When you use a cloud logging service, you can log additional data from your program code, which can be added as custom fields in log data, and you can search them after that. You could add client IDs to log actions and events that occur on the client side and many other things.

3. It’s Easier to Monitor Logs

When you contract a cloud logging service, you get all of your logs in one place. Having them in a centralized location not only makes it easier to search through the logs but also makes it easier to analyze them and find correlations between logs from different servers and applications.

Ultimately, logs are supposed to be used to give you insight into the performance of your system or application. You want to be able to perform a comprehensive analysis of the log data so that you can see little connections that will tell you even more about what is right and wrong with your system. Errors that pop up in one area may have a direct or indirect connection to errors that pop up in another seemingly unrelated area. You won’t know what that potential connection is if you don’t log your data.

4. You Track Errors in Your Application

It’s important to track all of the errors that are logged by your application. These are usually the first place to look when you want to find out what is going wrong with your application. Whether they are null references, database timeouts or whatever kind of error, they are important when it comes to finding out what is wrong with your system.

A cloud logging system will alert of all errors logged by your system and provide comprehensive reports of the same. You will know the first instance of the errors, the frequencies of their occurrences and much more. You won’t be able to know any of that by looking at the simple text files generated by your local logs.

Original post: The Benefits of Cloud-hosted Log Management

How to Take a Great Title and Twist it to Suit Your Blog

You already know how crucial it is to give your blog posts a great title.

After all, the title might well be the only thing a reader sees before deciding whether or not to read your whole post.

But how can you go about crafting a title that really works?

One simple way, especially when you’re starting out, is to borrow from other bloggers.

Is it OK to Use Someone Else’s Title?

While I’d never recommend copying someone’s title word for word, it’s fine to use their title as a template for inspiration: we’ll be looking at exactly how to do that in just a moment.
There’s no copyright on titles, plus most great title formulas are used again and again by many different blogs – so there’s a good chance that whoever you’ve borrowed the title from borrowed it from someone else first.

How to Twist a Title to Suit Your Blog

Here are three great titles taken from different niches. We’re going to look at how to “twist” these to work on very different blogs:

Title #1: No, Content Marketing Is Not a ‘Soft Skill’ (Sonia Simone, Copyblogger)

Title #2: Can’t Pick a Niche? There’s Another Way (Nathalie Lussier,

Title #3: 6 Ways the Hardback Momentum Planner Can Improve Your Productivity (Charlie Gilkey, Productive Flourishing)

All of these titles are attention-grabbing in different ways. Let’s take a closer look:

Title #1: No, Content Marketing Is Not a ‘Soft Skill’

This title creates some instant intrigue. It’s got a slightly confrontational tone – it’s essentially saying “what you’ve been told is wrong.”

The basic structure of this title is:

No, ____________ Is Not (a) ‘__________’

You could easily create a twist on it to fit your own blog or niche.

For instance:
-No, Leaving Your Baby to Cry it Out Is Not ‘Harmless’ (for a baby/parenting blog)
-No, Guest Posting Is Not ‘Over’ (for a blogging/online marketing blog)
-No, Your Procrastination Is Not ‘Inevitable’ (for a time management/self-improvement blog)

Title #2: Can’t Pick a Niche? There’s Another Way

Again, this title instantly gets the reader interested. It poses a problem they’ve been having – probably a big one – and promises a different way (that, by implication, they probably haven’t thought of).

The basic structure of this title is:

Can’t _____________? There’s Another Way

Here are some ways you could twist it to suit different blogs and niches:

-Can’t Agree on a Baby Name? There’s Another Way (for a baby/parenting blog)
-Can’t Get to Grips with SEO? There’s Another Way (for a blogging/online marketing blog)
-Can’t Get Up Early? There’s Another Way (for a time management/self-improvement blog)

Title #3: 6 Ways the Hardback Momentum Planner Can Improve Your Productivity

I chose this as it’s a solid example of a title that works well for a marketing post (a type of content that can be particularly tricky to make engaging).

The basic structure of this title is:

X Ways (the) ________________ Can Improve Your _______________

Here are some ways you could change that title to fit different blogs and niches:

-3 Ways the New Parents’ Online Conference Can Improve Your Parenting (for a baby/parenting blog)
-7 Ways that Our New Plugin Can Improve Your Blog (for a blogging/online marketing blog)
-4 Ways the Time Hackers Facebook Group Can Improve Your Life (for a time management / self-improvement blog)

I’m sure by now, you’re getting the idea! Just take a look through your email inbox for blog post titles (you can do this with email newsletter subject lines too). What catches your eye? How could you use a similar title on your own blog?

If you need a few titles to practice with, have a go at “twisting” some of these:

Example #1:
Original title: How to Write Short Sentences and Paragraphs the Right Way (and Why it Matters), Ali Luke, ProBlogger

Template: How to ________________ the Right Way (and Why it Matters)

Example #2:
Original title: How to Protect Your Child from Perfectionism, Lisa Parkes, A Fine Parent

Template: How to Protect _______ from ___________

Example #3:
Original title: My 9 Writing Goals for the New Year, K.M. Weiland, Helping Writers Become Authors

Template: My X _________ Goals for ___________

Example #4:
Original title: It’s Not About You: What Editors Want Writers To Know About Pitching, Elizabeth Spencer, Be a Freelance Blogger

Template: It’s Not About You: What _________ Want _______ To Know About _________

Example #5:
Original title: How to Handle Own Goals, Paul Digiovanni,

Template: How to Handle __________________

Feel free to share your versions – and any other great title templates you come across – in the comments below.

Until Friday 1st March, former DBT editor Ali Luke’s Blogger’s Guide ebooks are on sale for just $20 (instead of the usual $60) for all four. They offer expert tips on writing great blog posts, becoming a freelance blogger, creating and marketing ebooks, and building a readership for your blog … and come with a bunch of bonuses. Find out more and get your hands on them at a great price here.

Original post: How to Take a Great Title and Twist it to Suit Your Blog

5 Ways to Monetize Your Blog in 2019

It sounds so easy. Start a blog. Make money from it. Be your own boss. Live anywhere.

If you’ve ever started a blog and attempted to grow it into a money-making machine, you know how hard this is – how hard it is to consistently write, attract new readers, and come up with interesting ways to monetize.

Never fear, help is here! If you’ve been dreaming about turning your blog into a business, here are five strategies bloggers are using in 2019 to make money.

While most strategies require you to have thousands and thousands of readers, these methods can be profitable even if you have a smaller audience.

1. Affiliate Marketing

If you’ve ever seen a disclaimer on a blog that the author will receive a commission if you purchase a product through the links on their page, this is an example of affiliate marketing. It’s a method where blog owners can promote products and services and earn a small percentage of revenue from every sale.

Affiliate marketing works best when you only promote products that will benefit your readers — the ones you would recommend even if you weren’t getting paid.

With that in mind, when you come across products, services, or apps you think your readers should know about, find out if the company has an affiliate program you can join.

Most affiliate programs are free to join. If you want to sell consumer goods, you might want to consider starting with The e-commerce giant lets anyone promote products through its Amazon Affiliates program.

Once you sign up, you generate a custom link to the product on Amazon. Then you place this link on your website. Anytime someone buys the product through the link on your website, you get money.

Once you have a loyal following, affiliate marketing can be a great source of passive income.

2. Sell Physical Products

With the rise of different types of website building tools, it’s becoming easier to sell products directly on your website. This method is a little more complicated than affiliate marketing because you’ll have to consider manufacturing, storing inventory, and shipping orders.

That’s why many bloggers use drop-shipping or fulfillment companies instead of turning their home office into an e-commerce warehouse. With drop-shipping, products are branded and shipped straight from the manufacturer. All you have to do is process the orders on your blog.

With fulfillment companies like Amazon FBA, you can send a shipment of your product to a warehouse where they handle storing and shipping orders.

When it comes to which products to sell, the options are nearly endless. You could sell branded merchandise featuring your logo or website name. T-shirts, hats, mugs, towels, and stickers are popular options.

If you’re an artist, you could create new pieces to mass-market on your site. If you’re a fashion blogger, you could partner with a designer to offer one-of-a-kind articles of clothing for your site.

3. Coaching and Consulting Services

Coaching and consulting services are a great way to make money quickly when you’re starting out with a blog. To get started, consider what topics you have in-depth knowledge of.

It could come from prior professional experiences or hobbies where you have invested significant time. Based on this expertise, you can offer one-on-one or group coaching and consulting services.

To be successful in this model, you’ll need to be able to attract loyal customers who are willing to pay for your help. This will require marketing of your blog and likely building a social media presence.

While there are many coaches and consultants in the market, you can use your blog to differentiate your services and offering. You can use your entries to build your brand and demonstrate your value proposition.

The key to success in this area is keeping an entrepreneurial mindset when setting your rates. It is tempting to set low rates to attract clients – and there are times when it makes sense to offer introductory discounts – but you have to remember that you’re offering expertise in these sessions and should be paid appropriately.

4. Online Courses

It’s easier than ever to create and sell courses online. You can use a third-party platform like Teachable or Podia, or host it directly on your site.

Similar to coaching, online courses are a way to leverage your knowledge and expertise into income. The difference is that online courses can provide passive scalable income. After the initial work of creating a course, you can keep making money as long as new students join.

To get started, get a sense of what topics your current blog readers are interested in or questions they are struggling with. You could also conduct simple market research to determine what your target audience is focused on. With these subjects in mind, develop an in-depth course that provides a solution to your blog readers.

5. Create a Membership Site

Once you have a loyal fanbase, consider offering an online membership option. Memberships, where readers pay a set amount each month, can be a strong source of recurring revenue rather than a one-time purchase like a course or product.

In exchange for their monthly payment, members will expect something in return. As a blogger, you can keep certain advanced content inside the membership area.

Another option is to give members special discounts to products and courses, or early access to new content. An active community forum within the membership area can also draw readers to sign up.

Some bloggers choose to go with a direct appeal that just asks for people to become members to help sustain the production of high-quality content on the site.

Start Making Money

Whether you’re a long-time blogger or just starting out, don’t listen to the naysayers! There are plenty of ways to earn money no matter how many subscribers you have.

Think about monetizing your blog the same way as publishing content — adding value and providing benefit to readers should always be your first concern.

Each of these methods has its own unique challenges, but with a little determination, you’re sure to find the best way to monetize your blog in 2019.


Jon Nastor

Jon Nastor is an entrepreneur who helps people start online businesses and find side hustle ideas. He is also the host of Hack the Entrepreneur, which has received 4.8 million downloads, since its launch in 2014.

Original post: 5 Ways to Monetize Your Blog in 2019

Do you know what is Enterprise Log Management?

Enterprise log management may seem unsexy, but it is vital to the efficient running of your enterprise systems. The whole idea is to get the most critical events conveyed to your operations team so that they deal with them in time. Without it, you would have a mass of data to look through with no clear order, and that would take you forever.

When building an enterprise log manager (ELM), the basis is the corporate policies. These policies and their controls are designed to prevent certain undesirable activities from occurring. The whole idea with enterprise log management is to translate these policies into a complete system that relates the policy with the control and the data from the applications and systems that is going to be monitored to ensure that the policies are being enforced. You know that the ELM you are dealing with is of high quality when it interfaces seamlessly with your systems.

Use Cases of ELM

A good example of enterprise log management is privileged access monitoring. The log data is collected from different systems, and the operations team receives it in real time, allowing them to note when anything inappropriate occurs and take action against it.

Take, for example, the following example of a possible brute force attack: The domain admin has attempted to login without authentication after an allowed window of change. They attempted the log in several times. A good enterprise log manager will be able to take stock of those events and correlate them, initiating the right processes and escalating the events to the right staff.

The processes that are part of the log management solution, in particular, are very important. A good enterprise log manager is only as good as its processes. That means you need an engineering team and also an operations team.

On the one hand, the engineering team will build the enterprise log manager so that it sends through the correct alerts. On the other, the operations team will receive the alert and take the appropriate action. You will need mature processes to reduce the number of iterations that the operations team has to go through. The events you are interested in and, eventually, tag should be directly related with the corporation’s policies. Generally, there will be events that you don’t care about, events that you are curious about and events that you want to deal with immediately.

In the previous example of the domain admin, it might be a simple case of them forgetting their password. That isn’t something that needs to elicit worry. However, if there are hundreds of attempts in less than a minute, then you know that something is amiss. It is likely a brute force attack taking place. You need to tag that event and figure out which team in the organization should be alerted of the occurrence.

Exposes Glitches in the System

Use cases for ELM don’t stop at security events either. It could be some kind of activity that shows a general problem in the system. You might be getting too many requests for acknowledgement from the system, which shows that there is a glitch in the system.

So, many requests could ultimately clog the system and be the result of a denial of service attack. Your enterprise log manager could flag and tag the event so that action can be taken immediately.

Another use case for an enterprise log manager is a virus in the network. Events induced by the virus will be logged by the tool, which should be able to correlate them and figure that they are part of the same outbreak. The operations team will then be able to target the source of the virus.

When the enterprise log manager can work in this way, using these approaches to various potential issues in the system, many hundreds or even thousands of hours are saved. These are hours that could have been spent poring over millions of logged events and then analyzing them to figure out the root cause of an issue in the system. With an enterprise log manager, each incident that occurs is approached from a reactionary perspective. This makes it possible to deal with issues as they arise, correlating them to the corporation’s policies, various potential attacks and so on.

Ultimately, an enterprise log manager is a valuable time-saving tool that keeps your services running and your clients happy, preventing a critical service shut down that would cost you significant revenues and cause damage to your reputation.

Original post: Do you know what is Enterprise Log Management?

How to Quickly and Easily Steal Your Competitors Content Ideas

Have you found yourself watching your competitors on the top of Google results? If so, they likely have strong content ideas that people want to share. When people talk, discuss, or share your content, eventually, you are going to have lots of online traffic and an increase in sales.

No matter what kind of business you run, having an eye on the competition is a good thing for you. You can learn from their mistakes and, of course, steal their best content ideas. I’m not talking about plagiarism, so do not copy exactly what they do. In fact, Google doesn’t like “copy-paste” content, so that you risk getting a penalty when you do this. I’m talking about smart “stealing” which is when you see what your competitors do and then do it better yourself.

For example, if you see that a blog post within your niche has tons of shares on Facebook and Twitter calls it “50 Tips on How to Lose Weight”, you can write a post with 100 tips on how to lose weight and try to make an eye-catching headline.

However, if you ask me, the better question is: How can I find the most popular content from my competitors? In this guide, I’m going to share some tips and tricks on how you can find and create better content ideas and improve your rank so that you get tons of traffic and shares for your website.

Find Your Competitors’ Most Popular Content

The first thing you need to do is find out where the traffic of your competitors is coming from. This is where Ahrefs tool will come in handy, and the best part is that you can use their free trial and see how useful this tool actually is.

In order to copy and improve your competitors’ content ideas, you need to know what blog posts and websites perform the best. When you do this research, you should pay close attention to the following criteria:

– What content brings the most organic traffic to the site?
– What content is the most sharable on social media?
– What content has the highest number of backlinks?
– What keywords bring lots of organic traffic?

Ahrefs will help you answer all these questions. Use their Site Explorer tool by simply copying and pasting the website URL you want to analyze.

The “Top Pages” tab on the left shows you the pages that bring the most organic traffic to the site. As an example, I decided to analyze WDL:

You can see links on the top pages along with their values, keywords, and volume. You can also choose to see what position these pages have on Google and more.

To learn what the most sharable pages of a website on social media are, go to the “Top Content” tab. There, you can, for example, sort through results by a certain social media network to see what pages have the most shares on Twitter.

Similarly, you can also see a post’s popularity by looking at the total number of shares:

On Best by Links tab ranks pages of the particular website on the number of incoming links. This is simply going through what content brings many backlinks.

You can also use Site Explorer to see broken or lost links as well as organic keywords. Select the most relevant keywords in order to create the best, high-quality content. This is a great way to help ensure that you create better content and provide the most value to your readers. This is the key to stealing someone’s content idea, you just need to improve it.

There are also alternative tools which can do a similar job for you such as SEMrush and Link Explorer by MOZ.

Search for Competitive Brands in Google

When you search for a certain brand or certain brands in Google, along with the name of the website, you will also see some extended links after it. Have you ever wondered why Google shows them?

The truth is that these links are put there to make it easier for users to find what they want. Google creates these sitelinks by analyzing the most popular pages on the website. This means that these links are the most visited pages of that specific site. Knowing this, you can improve your own content strategy.

Make Social Media Audit

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other social media networks are a perfect place to share new content as they can help generate new leads and engage with existing ones. It’s also important to remember that the number of social shares affects your ranking on Google.

Run an audit on all of your competitors’ social media profiles paying close attention to the following things:

-How many posts do they publish on each network?
-Do they use images, hashtags, or both?
-How many followers and likes they have?
-Do they add a call-to-action to each of their social media posts?
-What do their bios, profile pictures, and cover photos look like?

These questions can be applied to any social media platform including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. After you complete analysis of at least 2-3 of your competitors’ profiles, you’ll be able to create a similar content plan for your own social media pages.

Encourage your audience to share your content on social media with these useful WordPress plugins from Codester. Pick the one you like and grow your social media presence eventually.

Think About What Makes Their Content Stand Out

The last thing to consider if you want to use content ideas of your competitors – think what makes you click on website pages, read articles, and sign up for webinars. Sometimes, you open a website, and found yourself in an hour, after reading six ten posts and downloading the second eBook.

Do you wonder why their content is better and/or more engaging than yours? Step back and think about what they do. Do they use eye-catching headlines or images? Is their content is written in a unique and creative way? What keywords do they use and what content do their readers comment on? Maybe they have a modern, beautiful website?

Ask yourself all these questions and after that, think about which of these approaches can be applied to your own business.

Over to You

I hope these tips will help you to steal some of your competitors’ content ideas in a smart yet easy way. What techniques do you use to steal someone else’s content idea? Do you have “stolen” content ideas which bypassed your competitors and brought you a lot of traffic? If so, share them with us in the comment section below.

About the Author

Rait Raak is a full-time online marketer, top-rated freelancer at UpWork, SEO enthusiast and CEO at RankBrain Media. Through his 10 years of SEO experience, he has helped hundreds of businesses to dominate the search engines and fight their way to the top. Besides SEO and marketing, he loves music, photography and plays guitar as a hobby.


Original post: How to Quickly and Easily Steal Your Competitors Content Ideas

BigCommerce for WordPress: A Scalable Ecommerce Solution

After hours upon hours of hard work, you’ve now grown your WordPress site into a content powerhouse. Your next step is to turn it into a money-making machine.

You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your WordPress website’s content and design when launching an ecommerce store.

The team at BigCommerce, in collaboration with Modern Tribe, recognized the need for a seamless ecommerce solution for WordPress websites. Together they built BigCommerce for WordPress.

What is BigCommerce for WordPress?

BigCommerce for WordPress is a WordPress ecommerce plugin which adds fully customizable ecommerce functionalities to the website you’ve already built.

Rather than starting from scratch, the headless plugin works with your website’s existing WordPress themes and connects them with your web host to provide a consistent shopping experience for users. This means there’s no need to spend time reworking or redesigning your new online store; it will already look perfect.

Plus, thanks to the plugin’s wealth of features, you receive an easy-to-use and understand front-end application through WordPress.

You’ll never have to rely on extra resources or outside applications to manage your inventory, deal with servers, or negotiate with payment processors. Everything you need to run your store is operated via a single control panel in BigCommerce for WordPress.

BigCommerce for WordPress makes ecommerce easy, scalable, and for everyone.

Why Choose BigCommerce for WordPress?

Sure, there are other ecommerce platforms, ecommerce plugins, open source solutions, and free website builders on the market.

But none provide the completely streamlined and customized capabilities of BigCommerce. Due to the plugin’s “headless” design, it provides a multitude of benefits for brands, developers, and companies working to reach their ecommerce goals.

Completely Customizable
Your online store should provide shoppers with an uninterrupted shopping experience through captivating website design, blog content, and user experience. Since BigCommerce for WordPress integrates with most existing WordPress website themes, you are able to customize your store to appear and function exactly as you desire.

With BigCommerce for WordPress, there’s no need to worry about your shop’s functionality messing up the appearance and flow of your site. Plus, you’ll spend less time finagling with the theme and more time growing your sales.

Also, the plugin values and supports the WordPress way of offering complete access to key plugin files. You can override plugin files for total customization of your store. AMP pages can also be used to improve the speed of your BigCommerce for WordPress online shop and provide a pleasant online experience for shoppers.

BigCommerce for WordPress is also Gutenberg compatible, making it accessible for all users, regardless of which version your website currently uses.

Streamlined Ecommerce Functionality
Everything you need to successfully operate an online store is included in the BigCommerce for WordPress plugin. There’s no need for WordPress tutorials or juggling multiple systems and applications to operate a single store.

Free up your time and server space by accessing all aspects of the ecommerce process, including:

Inventory Management
Mobile Ecommerce Design
Payment Processing
Shipping and Fulfillment Operations
Security and PCI Compliance
Website Analytics and Conversion Rate Tools
Order Management
Email Marketing Integrations

And, the ecommerce plugin allows for multi-site management from a single control panel. Scale your ecommerce business and generate sales from multiple websites without the hassle or headache.

Plus, by having more built in functionality than other WordPress ecommerce plugins, say goodbye to multiple plugin/application subscription fees for various parts of the ecommerce funnel.

Instead, free up valuable resources you can invest elsewhere in your business.

Multi-Channel Selling

Today’s dynamic ecommerce platforms requires companies to be competitive. Using the BigCommerce control panel, businesses can also cross-sell their products simultaneously on major markets such as Facebook, Amazon, Pinterest, eBay, and more. Selling on multiple channels within WordPress is an excellent strategic ecommerce marketing tactic to drive more sales.

The ability to reduce ecommerce inventory errors through automatic inventory syncing and cross-referenced order and fulfillment management capabilities makes multichannel selling simple.

Secure Peace of Mind

The internet is becoming an increasingly scary place full of compromised personal information. The last thing you want is for your ecommerce solution to be vulnerable to attacks. Shoppers will not trust an ecommerce store that doesn’t protect personal and banking information with the latest security software.

Fortunately, BigCommerce for WordPress assists your online store with every aspect of providing a secure shopping experience including PCI (Payment Card Industry) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance.

Providing shoppers with a secure experience and payment processing solution leads to satisfied shoppers who turn into loyal customers.

Scale Your Ecommerce Efforts

Due to its design and myriad features, BigCommerce for WordPress provides website owners with a scalable ecommerce solution. As your company and ecommerce sales grow, the plugin adapts to meet your needs.

This scalability is possible thanks to the plugin’s “headless” design and development. These types of plugins are generally faster and use less memory to operate. This means when you create a website, you won’t be slowed down by endless background operations and tasks, bogging down the front-end experience for shoppers.

Plugin users are able to load and manage unlimited products, hundreds of SKUs per product, and more with ease. As your store grows, so do the capabilities of BigCommerce for WordPress. The possibilities are endless as you scale your operations.

Also, by using a single online portal within BigCommerce, your website won’t be overloaded with extra files, applications, and other shared resources. Instead, you’re able to successfully scale your ecommerce business as needed without worrying about site speed or server resources.

Plus, with the plugin’s “out of the box” ecommerce functionality, it also connects directly to existing websites via the BigCommerce network of apps and catalogs of fully-integrated payment and shipping methods. On top of customizing your shop’s front-end appearance, you’re able to easily tailor your shipping, handling, payment, and other settings to meet your business’ needs.

Save on Processing Rates
Anyone who’s dealt with accepting credit cards online knows how much of a nuisance the fees can be.

By partnering with BigCommerce for WordPress, you can save with the lowest pre-negotiated processing rates. The plugin also integrates with BrainTree to provide competitive rates with PayPal, Apple Pay, and Visa Checkout for a secure and affordable checkout process. For a more advanced checkout, you can implement an ecommerce checkout tool like Satalytics, mobile-first design, and even esignature software to increase sales.

BigCommerce for WordPress: Making Ecommerce Accessible and Scalable for All
While ecommerce was once troublesome for WordPress websites, the simple but powerful BigCommerce for WordPress functionality opens the door to new opportunities for content and commerce.

Create secure, seamless, and content-first shopping experiences for your customers by adding BigCommerce for WordPress to your site. You’ll be combining the very best of content and commerce and setting your site up for the future.

Adam Enfroy is a writer, content marketing consultant, and manages strategic partnerships for BigCommerce. With 10+ years of digital marketing experience, he’s passionate about leveraging the right strategic partnerships, content, and software to scale digital growth. Adam lives in Austin, TX and writes about launching, growing, and monetizing your blog at You can connect with him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Original post: BigCommerce for WordPress: A Scalable Ecommerce Solution